An open-source relational database, PostgreSQL is a powerful and well-known system that has received recognition from both its users and the industry at large. Unlike some other database systems, PostgreSQL is completely customizable and yours to do with as you please (assuming, of course, that your instance is self-hosted).
A bit of technical know-how. We recommend looping in a developer or a member of your technical team if you come across something you aren’t sure about.
An up-and-running Postgres instance. Instructions for installing PostgreSQL and creating an initial database are outside the scope of this tutorial; our instructions assume that you have a PostgreSQL instance up and running. For help installing and getting started with PostgreSQL, refer to the Postgres documentation.
A PostgreSQL instance running on or above. While this isn’t something that Stitch strictly enforces, we recommend keeping your version current as a best practice.
permissions in your PostgreSQL instance. This is required to create a database for Stitch.
Step 1: Whitelist Stitch’s IP Addresses
For the connection to be successful, you’ll need to configure your firewall to allow access from our IP addresses. Whitelist the following IPs before continuing onto the next step:
Step 2: Create a Postgres Database
Next, you’ll create a database in your PostgreSQL instance for Stitch. This is where data replicated by Stitch will be stored.
Connect to your instance as a user with createdb
permissions and run the following command, replacing [stitch_database]
with whatever you want the database name to be:
create database [stitch_database];
Responses are only returned if the command is not successful. If you don’t receive a response, then the command was successful and the database was created.
If you encounter errors - for example, createdb: command not found
- then you’ll need to do some troubleshooting before you can move onto the next step. This Postgres article contains troubleshooting steps for some of the most common issues when creating databases.
Stitch doesn’t require any particular configuration for the database nor do you need to create any tables or schemas. Stitch will take care of that for you after the destination setup is complete and you’ve connected integrations.
Step 3: Retrieve Your Public Key
If you aren’t using an SSH tunnel to connect, you can skip this step.
The Public Key is used to authorize the Stitch Linux user. If the key isn’t properly installed, Stitch will be unable to access your database.
To retrieve the key:
- Click the Destination tab.
- Click the PostgreSQL icon.
- When the credentials page displays, click the Encryption Type menu and select the SSH Tunnel option.
- The Public Key will display, along with the other SSH fields.
Step 4: Create a Stitch Linux User
If you aren’t using an SSH tunnel to connect, you can skip this step.
file associated with the server is not set to the default option, only certain users will have server access - this will prevent a successful connection to Stitch. In these cases, it’s necessary to run a command like AllowUsers
to allow the Stitch user access to the server.Note that anything inside square brackets - [like this]
- is something you need to define when running the commands yourself.
To create the new user, run the following commands as root on your Linux server:
adduser [stitch username] -p
mkdir /home/[stitch username]
mkdir /home/[stitch username]/.ssh
To ensure the user has access to the database, we need to import the Public Key into authorized_keys
. Copy the entire key into the authorized_keys
file as follows:
touch /home/[stitch username]/.ssh/authorized_keys
"< [PASTE KEY HERE] >" >> /home/[stitch username]/.ssh/authorized_keys
To finish creating the user, alter the permissions on the /home/[stitch username]
directory to allow access via SSH:
chown -R [stitch username]:[stitch username] /home/[stitch username]
chmod -R 700 /home/[stitch username]/.ssh
In the next step, you’ll create a database user for Stitch.
Step 5: Create a PostgreSQL User for Stitch
Required PostgreSQL Permissions
To successfully pipe your data to your PostgreSQL data warehouse, the Stitch user must:
- Be able to
schemas, tables, and views - Be able to
from systems tables - Be the owner of all integration schemas and tables. We occasionally need to run
commands to properly insert your data.
While you technically can manually create integration schemas in PostgreSQL and then grant Stitch access to those schemas, we don’t recommend it. We understand that security is a high priority and permissions should be carefully granted, but this approach will likely lead to headaches for you.
What do we mean? If you take this approach, you’ll need to first create the schema in your data warehouse and then grant the Stitch user the appropriate permissions to access it every single time a new integration is added in Stitch. If this isn’t done, Stitch won’t be able to load data into your data warehouse.
Additionally, if there are any differences between the name of the schema you create in your data warehouse and the schema name you enter in Stitch when setting up an integration, Stitch won’t be able to load data into your data warehouse.
Create the Stitch User
Depending on the type of connection this is, the steps for creating a PostgreSQL database user for Stitch will vary a bit:
- If Stitch hasn’t ever replicated data to your PostgreSQL destination, follow the instructions in the NEW Connections tab.
- If Stitch has replicated data to your PostgreSQL destination in the past, follow the instructions in the EXISTING Connections tab.
If you haven’t already, connect to your PostgreSQL instance using your SQL client. Note that anything inside square brackets - [like this]
- is something you need to define when running the commands yourself.
After connecting, run this command to create the user:
create user [stitch_username] with password '[password]';
Next, you’ll assign the CREATE
permissions to the user. For [database_name]
, enter the name of the database where all Stitch-replicated data should be loaded.
Note that this must be a pre-existing database.
grant create on database [database_name] to [stitch_username];
If you restricted access to the information schema, you’ll also need to run this command to grant the Stitch user SELECT
grant select on all tables in schema information_schema to [stitch_username];
If you haven’t already, connect to your PostgreSQL instance using your SQL client. Note that anything inside square brackets - [like this]
- is something you need to define when running the commands yourself.
After connecting, run this command to create the user:
create user [stitch_username] with password '[password]';
Next, you’ll assign the CREATE
permissions to the user. For [database_name]
, enter the name of the database where all Stitch-replicated data should be loaded.
Note that this must be a pre-existing database.
grant create on database [database_name] to [stitch_username];
If you restricted access to the information schema, you’ll also need to run this command to grant the Stitch user SELECT
grant select on all tables in schema information_schema to [stitch_username];
Transferring Integration Schema & Table Ownership
When an integration is initially connected to Stitch, a schema specific to that connection is created in your data warehouse. Ownership to those schemas and all the tables contained within them must be granted to the Stitch user for data replication to be successful.
First, you need to list all tables and their owners. Query the catalogue tables using this statement:
select * from [stitch_username] pg_tables;
Take note of any integration tables that aren’t owned by the Stitch user - those are the tables you’ll need to update.
Now you’ll transfer ownership of the Stitch integration schemas:
alter schema [schema_name] owner to [stitch_username];
Next, transfer ownership of all the tables in the integration schema to the Stitch user. You can do this table-by-table or run a script that will detect every table in an integration schema and re-assign ownership to Stitch.
To transfer ownership table-by-table, run this command:
alter table [table_name] owner to [stitch_username];
Or, run this script from the command line to do it automatically:
for table in `psql -qAt --host [] --port [port] --user [admin_user] -c "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = '[schema_name]';" [database_name]` ;
do psql -qAt --host [] --port [port] --user [admin_user] -c "alter table \"[schema_name]\".\"$table\" owner to [stitch_username];" [database_name] ; done
Repeat the steps in this section for every Stitch integration schema in your data warehouse.
Step 6: Connect Stitch
To wrap things up, you need to enter the PostgreSQL database connection and user info into Stitch.
- Click the Destination tab.
- Click the PostgreSQL icon.
- Fill in the fields as follows:
- Host: Enter the host address (endpoint) used by the PostgreSQL instance.
- Port: Enter the port used by the PostgreSQL instance.
- Username: Enter the Stitch PostgreSQL user’s username.
- Password: Enter the password for the Stitch PostgreSQL user.
- Database: Enter the name of the PostgreSQL database that you created for Stitch.
- When finished, click Update PostgreSQL Settings.
Stitch will perform a connection test to the PostgreSQL database; if successful, a Success! mesage will display at the top of the screen. Note that this test may take a few minutes to complete.
Troubleshooting Connection Errors
If you receive an error message, we recommend trying these troubleshooting steps for common destination connection problems before reaching out to support.
We’ve found that the majority of the time, these resources can resolve most issues.
Learning About Stitch & PostgreSQL
Now that your PostgreSQL data warehouse is up and running, we recommend learning about how Stitch will load your data into it.
- PostgreSQL Destination Overview: This overview will give you the high-level basics for working with your PostgreSQL data warehouse.
- Destination Data Loading Guide: This article covers many of the common scenarios Stitch will encounter when loading data into your PostgreSQL destination and the expected behavior for each scenario.
Related | Troubleshooting |
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