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Whitelist Tables/Columns Unsupported/Unsupported Default Replication Frequency Continuous
Destination Incompatibilities None


Connecting to Stitch is a three-step process:

  1. Add as a Stitch data source

  2. Generate a Webhook URL
  3. Set up webhooks in

Add as a Stitch Data Source

  1. Click the icon.

  2. Enter a name for the integration. This is the name that will display on the for the integration; it’ll also be used to create the schema in your data warehouse.

    For example, the name “Stitch Customerio” would create a schema called stitch_customerio in the data warehouse. This schema is where all the tables for this integration will be stored.

  3. Click .

Generating a Webhook URL

Once Stitch has successfully saved and created the integration, you’ll be redirected to a page that displays your webhook URL and token (which is blurred in the image below): Webhooks URL

Click the Copy button to copy it.

Note that this particular URL won’t display in Stitch again once you click Continue. Think of this URL like you would your login or API credentials - keep it secret, keep it safe. You can, however, generate another URL should you need it.

Once you’ve copied your webhook URL, click Continue to wrap things up in Stitch.

Setting Up Webhooks in

The last step is to setup webhooks in your account.

  1. Sign into your account.
  2. Click Integrations in the menu on the left.
  3. In the Streaming Data Out section, click the Get Started button next to Email Activity Webhook.
  4. In the Webhook Endpoint field, paste your Stitch-generated webhook URL.
  5. Next, you’ll select the Webhook Events you want to track:
    • To track specific events, click the Edit Webhook Events link (it’s under the Webhooks Endpoint field) to display the list of events:

    Setting up webhooks.

    Use the checkboxes to select the events you want to track, clicking Save Changes when finished. - To track ALL available events, you don’t need to do anything else - skip ahead to the last step.

  6. Click Update.

Testing the Setup

To ensure everything is set up properly, you can send a test call to your Stitch webhook by clicking the Test button next to the the Webhook Endpoint field.



In v1 of the Stitch Incoming Webhooks integration, Stitch will create a single table - called data - in the webhook integration schema (this will be the name you enter in the Integration Schema field when you set up of your data warehouse.

The schema of this table will contain two “types” of columns: columns used by Stitch (prepended with _sdc) and the columns sent by the provider’s webhook API.

Aside from the Stitch columns, the schema of this table will depend entirely on’s webhook API. With the exception of the _sdc fields, Stitch does not augment Incoming Webhooks data nor does it have any control over the fields sent by the webhook provider.


Replication Method: Incremental
Primary Key: event_id
Contains Nested Structures?: No

The data table contains

Table Info & Attributes

data Attributes

While we try to include everything has here, this may not be a full list of attributes. Refer to's documentation for a full list and description of each attribute.

  • event_id

Webhook URLs & Security

Stitch allows you to generate up to 2 webhook URLs at a time. These URLs contain security access tokens and as such, have access to your account.

If you ever need to change your webhook URL, you can do so in the Integration Settings page after the integration has been created:

  1. Click into the integration from the page.
  2. Click the button.
  3. In the Webhook URLs section, click the Generate Webhook URL button.
  4. A new webhook URL will display. Press the clipboard icon to copy it.
  5. Follow the steps in the Setting Up Webhooks in section to update the webhook URL in
  6. After you’ve updated the webhook URL in, click the Revoke button next to the oldest webhook URL in Stitch. This will invalidate the token and revoke access.

Questions? Feedback?

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