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Title Summary
Data Discrepancy Troubleshooting Guide If you’ve noticed missing or incorrect data in your data warehouse, this guide is the place to start. In it we’ll walk you through the most common causes of …
Missing Columns & NULL Values If you’ve noticed some missing columns or data from your data warehouse, the root cause may be NULL values.
Missing Mongo Data & Fields with Multiple Data Types Missing some Mongo data? The root cause may be multiple data types in the Replication Key field and how Mongo sorts data based on data type.
Mongo Fields Missing from Replication Key Menu If you don’t see all the fields you expect to in the Replication Key field for you Mongo integration, the root cause may be insufficient permissions or a lac…
MySQL TINYINT(1)/boolean Columns Stored as BIT If you’ve noticed that some MySQL TINYINT(1) columns are displaying as BIT in Stitch, it’s usually due to how the MySQL driver converts this data type.
Non-Replicating Data & Unsupported Data Types If a table isn’t replicating into your data warehouse, it may be because one or more of the columns in the table contains an unsupported data type.
PostgreSQL Data Types Stored as Strings When certain Postgres data types are replicated, they’ll be stored as strings in your data warehouse.
Stale Salesforce Data & Formula Fields If you’ve noticed some out-of-date Salesforce data in your data warehouse, the root cause may be a formula field.