
What is the Stitch Incoming Webhooks integration?

Stitch’s Incoming Webhooks integration provides a simple and flexible method to integrate any existing webhook API with Stitch. If Stitch doesn’t have a native integration for the webhook you want to integrate, then Stitch webhooks is your best bet.

What services can I integrate using Stitch Incoming Webhooks?

With Stitch’s Incoming Webhooks integration, you have the ability to quickly and easily integrate with dozens of services that use webhook APIs. Some notable services include:

What do I need to use Stitch webhooks?

To use Stitch Incoming Webhooks:

  1. You must have a Stitch account. The Incoming Webhooks integration is available to all Stitch users, whether you’re on a Free or Paid tier.

  2. The Webhook API you’re integrating with must meet the following requirements:

    • The data sent by the webhook API must come to Stitch in JSON format. This is currently the only format Stitch supports.
    • The payload (or delivery) of the data must come via a POST request.
    • The request body must be less than 4MB

You can determine if the webhook API you want to use meets the above criteria by checking out that provider’s webhook API documentation.


Do I have to provide a Primary Key?

Defining a Primary Key is optional, but the Incremental Replication Method Stitch uses to update your webhook integration’s data will depend on whether a Primary Key is provided or not.

  • If a Primary Key is provided, replication to webhooks data will take place via an upsert. This means that existing rows can be updated.
  • If a Primary Key is NOT provided:
    • Replication will be Append-Only.
    • Stitch will auto-generate a field called _sdc_primary_key to be used as a Primary Key. This is because Stitch requires a Primary Key to replicate and de-dupe data.

Can I change the Primary Key after I’ve defined it?

We don’t recommend this, but yes, you can. Stitch uses Primary Keys to correctly replicate your data and prevent duplication; changing the Primary Key after the fact may result in fields not being updated correctly.

How do I set up webhooks in [name] app?

For instructions on how to set up webhooks in your provider’s app, refer to their documentation and reach out to their support team if you get lost. Depending on the provider you’re using, the steps for implementing webhooks may differ.

However: you can find setup articles in our docs for a few of the most popular apps that the Stitch Incoming Webhooks integration is compatible with, such as:

Webhook Data & Schema

Does the Incoming Webhooks integration support historical data?

By design, most webhook-based integrations don’t retain historical data, as data is sent in real-time.

If the service you’re integrating with offers replay functionality, however, you may be able to send historical data to your Incoming Webhooks integration.

What’s this _sdc_primary_key column?

When the Primary Key isn’t defined during the setup process, Stitch will automatically generate a Primary Key column called _sdc_primary_key. This is because Stitch requires Primary Keys to replicate and de-dupe data.

What will the data from my Incoming Webhooks integration look like?

In v1 of the Stitch Incoming Webhooks integration, Stitch will create a single table - called data - in the webhook integration schema (this will be the name you enter in the Integration Schema field when you set up ) of your data warehouse.

The schema of this table will contain two “types” of columns: columns used by Stitch (prepended with _sdc) and the columns sent by the provider’s webhook API.

Aside from the Stitch columns, the schema of this table will depend entirely on that provider’s webhook API. With the exception of the _sdc fields (and a Primary Key if one isn’t provided), Stitch does not augment Incoming Webhooks data nor does it have any control over the fields sent by the webhook provider.

Why does the data table contain so many NULLs?

There are two reasons for this: one is the general nature of webhook data, and the other is how the Incoming Webhooks integration is designed.

The Stitch Incoming Webhook integration is designed to create only one top-level table. This single table will contain all the data that Stitch receives from your webhook, which can include several types of records.

For example: if you set up Mandrill using Incoming Webhooks, your data table may contain records for whitelist events, click events, bounce events, and so on.

While each record type may contain some similar attributes (id, created_at, etc.), it’s likely that each record type will have its own set of attributes, which will only be populated for that record or other specific record types.

As such, some columns in some records will contain NULLs. Here’s an example with a Mandrill message send event, a whitelist add event, and a click event:

| id | ts         | event | action | type      | ip          | url           |        
| 1  | 1481730892 | send  | NULL   | NULL      | NULL        | NULL          |
| 2  | NULL       | NULL  | add    | whitelist | NULL        | NULL          |
| 3  | 1481732465 | click | NULL   | NULL      | | |   

// record 1 is a message send event
// record 2 is a whitelist add event
// record 3 is a click event

Why is there more than one table? You said there’d only be one table.

That’s true; we did.

However: if you’re using a data warehouse that doesn’t natively support nested structures, you may see multiple tables in your Incoming Webhooks integration schema. These are subtables, which a result of Stitch deconstructing nested data structures so the data can be loaded into your data warehouse. If the provider you integrate with uses nested data structures, you’ll see subtables.

To learn more about this Stitch feature and how to tie subtables together in your queries, check out the Handling of Nested Structures & Row Count Impact guide.


Can you add Incoming Webhook docs for [integration?]

Our Technical Documentation Manager loves getting feedback and suggestions for docs. If you’re looking for something specific, write into support! We can’t promise that every suggestion will result in a new set of docs, but suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.


If you’re encountering issues with your Stitch Webhooks integration or you have questions that weren’t covered in this guide, please get in touch with us.

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